Kris and Nora were both new admissions in the same engineering course at university, and their roll numbers were next to each other. On the first day of class, Kris gave his introduction, “Hello everyone, my name is Kris. I was a basketball player during my school time.” His voice was deep and strained due to a cold and cough that he was suffering from. Nora noticed his voice and thought he might have an attitude. She didn’t speak to him or anyone else in the classroom that day.

The Beginning of a Half-Love Story

A few days later, during lunch break, Nora was sitting alone in the canteen and hadn’t eaten anything. Kris noticed her and walked over to her table. “Hey, why aren’t you eating anything?” he asked.

Nora looked up at him, surprised that he had approached her. “I-I feel awkward eating alone,” she stuttered.

Kris smiled warmly and said, “Don’t worry, I’m here now. Let me get you something to eat.” He went to the counter and ordered a sandwich and juice for her, and then sat down next to her. “Here, have some of this,” he said, offering her the sandwich.

Nora felt grateful for his kindness and accepted the food. She ate quickly as the lunch break was almost over. “Thank you,” she said shyly as she finished her sandwich.

Kris smiled at her and said, “No problem. I’m glad you ate something. Let’s go to class now, we don’t want to be marked absent.”

Nora nodded and followed him to the classroom. They sat next to each other in the lecture, and Nora couldn’t help but feel her heart racing. It was the first time they had ever spoken, and she was already feeling drawn to him.

As the lecture ended and the class was dismissed, Kris turned to Nora and said, “See you tomorrow?”

Nora smiled and nodded. “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

It was the beginning of their half-love story, a small moment of kindness that would eventually lead to something much bigger.

Continue in part 2…. 🙂

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